Space Samurai — And The Meaning Is…
Angelic is poised, ready to reveal the Male Lead Actor name for our Space Samurai Trilogy!
Once he signs — His name will be revealed, even before the ink drys …
Have you heard the riddle: Why are Films like Donuts & Why are Movies like Steaks…?
While selecting our upcoming Production dates, I’m interviewing new candidates for The Pathway program, which includes DGA* sponsored membership.
This process reminded me of the numerous discussions about Film Industry vs. Movie Biz.
This reveals there are Diction, Differences, and Definitions between Film and Movie terminology.
Financing vs. Funding
Distribution vs. Distributor
Actress vs. Female Actor
Extras vs. Background
Film vs. Movie
Profit vs. Revenue
Content vs. Viability
Story Writer vs. Screenwriter
External submission vs. Co-production
Internship vs. Paid On Job Training
Committed vs. Attached
Contract vs. Agreement
Attached vs. Signed
Film School vs. Movie School
TitleTrack vs. SoundTrack Placement
Product Placement vs. Product Integration
First Look vs. First Right
Pick the Jargon you want to know more about — email, text, or call and I’ll explain in detail.
* DGA … I am a Writer, Producer, and Movie Director, a “Helmer” and an established member of the Directors Guild of America (“DGA”) — With each project, I’ve committed to review dozens of candidates, select one and train that individual to become a Movie Director with our Pathway program.
Questions about our SPACE SAMURAI Trilogy? I’m always available.