Space Samurai – Comic Book Prequel!
Space Samurai – Comic Book Prequel! Angelic is excited to announce we are about to release the Comic Book Prequel! SPACE SAMURAI finds “Friend” for Prequel! DC Comic Book Artist, Richard Friend, has been commissioned to illustrate the SPACE SAMURAI: OASIS Comic Book! Friend already has over 332 published credits—many from the DC Universe, plus THE […]
Space Samurai – Thanksgiving
Space Samurai – Thanksgiving Angelic is pleased to state it’s Thanksgiving! While we are all about the Movie Biz, we encourage everyone to enjoy the Holiday time with your family and friends… We should take this time to focus on our thankfulness — on what we already have, and not on what we still want… This […]
Space Samurai — Progress Report!
Space Samurai — Progress Report! Angelic is thrilled to release the following Progress Report: I make Movies — that’s what I do — And in 29 years, I’ve been involved with, completed & delivered 23 Movies — I have never NOT finished/delivered a Movie… I’ll always continue to remain available for updates. Funding is […]
Space Samurai — Revenue Update!
Space Samurai — Revenue Update! Angelic announces: We are about to conclude our Product Placement / Brand Integration phase. If you want your Brand Placed / Integrated on Screen, quickly reply. See all 9 Editions of the NewLetter — Visit, Read and Subscribe: The Product Placement / Brand Integration Insider NewLetter —– Now, on to […]
Space Samurai — Brand Integration Update!
Space Samurai — Brand Integration Update! Angelic is thrilled to announce: We are about to conclude our Product Placement / Brand Integration talks / phase—And we’re also about to announce a possible very big change in our Brand Integration Team. However, over the last 29 years and last 24 movies, during our Brand Integration […]
Space Samurai — Soundtrack Update!
Space Samurai — Soundtrack Update! Angelic is thrilled to announce this Soundtrack Update: We have several new tracks to include in the Space Samurai: Oasis Movie and Soundtrack.And with Sync Licenses, we will be working with local musicians and bands to record new tracks, as we reproduce the extremely familiar songs to fit our Sci-fi […]
Space Samurai — Talent Survey!
Space Samurai — Talent Survey! Angelic is thrilled to have you involved in this Survey: Please consider this “Survey” for a Male or a Female Supporting Lead actors … as many Movie goers have a preference, Male or Female and now, if you want to tell us, we want to hear… We are about […]
Space Samurai — Newsletter #9
Space Samurai — Newsletter #9 Angelic Pictures is excited to announce: Our 9th edition of The Product Placement Insider newsletter is now live! Just Because You’re Last to the Dance Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Steal the Spotlight… You’ve heard it before: the early bird gets the worm. In this case, the early brand gets the spotlight. Welcome […]
Space Samurai — Dance Floor
Space Samurai — Dance Floor Angelic Pictures is excited to announce: Production is just around the corner… So, who’s going to be the First-One on the Dance Floor… We’re making many additions, adjustments and changes to the IMDb pages — Production Team, Actors, Music, Production Companies, Brand Placement/Integration, Consulting Credits, and more We are adding new names, and removing a few others, […]
Space Samurai — Last Call
Space Samurai — Last Call Angelic Pictures announces: As fall quickly approaches, we’re gearing up to start production on Space Samurai: Oasis to meet our delivery date. The clock is ticking, and this is your last chance to be part of something truly groundbreaking. We’re bringing in only the best people—good people doing good things for a good purpose, we all […]