Space Samurai: Oasis Update – U.S. Space Force
Happy to report discussions with U.S. Space Force for SPACE SAMURAI: OASIS continue with great success!
After viewing the Digital Promo Pre-Vis Teaser, our key contact at U.S. Space Force immediately began calling the heroic lead character “Our protagonist…”
When the Directorial Unit followed up with more info about the SPACE SAMURAI trilogy franchise, our key contact replied:
“If there’s one word to summarize… it would have to be ‘empowering’.…. We certainly need this in new productions today.”
If you haven’t viewed Angelic’s Digital Promo Pre-Vis Teaser, click the link below:
Space Samurai: Oasis Featurette
And if you have any updates of your own regarding outside interest in this Hollywood Movie Biz project, contact me directly by phone or email…