Space Samurai – Leadership


Space Samurai: Oasis Update – Angelic Progress

Angelic Pictures shoots for the stars! 

And shooting for the stars requires a plan… 

Building blocks for rockets spark into spaceships over time—and this has been Angelic’s strategy since Universal made Angelic Pictures a studio vendor affiliate and ordered 5 movies based on a single one-time pitch. In fact, it was the SPACE SAMURAI pitch that helped it all happen… 

Since then, the Angelic machine has been moving with purpose and a bold blueprint for success… specifically toward SPACE SAMURAI: OASIS and the SPACE SAMURAI trilogy as a Hollywood studio franchise.

With THE MONTH OF AUGUST, Angelic’s inaugural movie, we delved into the universe of Product Placement and actually created a software plugin that Apple purchased in order to sell and distribute Final Cut Pro.

With HOLE IN ONE, we learned the power of prosthetics and honed the use of special effects with its sequel, BEACH BAR: THE MOVIE.

With MUSIC HIGH, we mastered “flipping the world” and block-shooting to maximize the use of production funds.

With LA MIGRA and FEARLESS, we learned how to film two feature-length movies back to back and cross-use cast, equipment, and locations across projects.

In behind-the-scenes video, cast and crew told interviewers that the DGA movie director might look “crazy” but “had some sort of plan…” 

Well, I did… and the whole time Angelic was sharpening its strategy for 8 levels of profitable Product Placement. 

Each movie has been a calculated step to powerfully level up into proficiency and culminate with the key expert elements necessary to make the SPACE SAMURAI trilogy franchise a resounding success.

A filmmaker makes a film. A movie-maker “moves” many movies forward simultaneously and has a PLAN! 

“Across all feature films made worldwide in the past seventy years (between 1949 and 2018), 36.5% of film directors made a second feature film.  Only 8.6% made more than five, and it’s a rare club of just 134 directors (0.1%) who have directed more than 20 movies.”
—Stephen Follows

SPACE SAMURAI: OASIS will be my 21st project in 26 years—with 6 directed and 24 more projects on my production slate…

Like the samurai, Angelic steps with intentional precision… and then strikes.

Just a brief history for those of you who’ve been wondering why we do what we do…