Space Samurai – Looking For…

Space Samurai: Oasis Update – Looking For…

The SPACE SAMURAI Trilogy Production Team is looking for a Product Placement & Integration (PP&I) sales executive. 

Although briefly mentioned in a previous update, we are currently building the parameters and responsibilities for this position. Today we are providing you with more info… because the right person could be someone you already know.

Have you ever seen Tom Hanks’ CAST AWAY (2000)? 

There were more FedEx packages than could be counted in that Hollywood studio movie—but the package that bookends the story and is featured many times throughout is the dual-winged package. 

It is the first thing the audience sees.

It is the first thing the audience cares about.

It is linked to the sense of satisfaction at the end of the story, when Hanks triumphs. 

That same sense of satisfaction gets carried and remembered by the audience whenever they hear about FedEx or looks at its logo. 

And it all happened because FedEx CEO Frederick W. Smith was an investor:

Here’s how TRANSFORMERS handled Product Placement:

Quality PP&I sales executive candidates will understand these examples, because they have key qualifications:

– Skilled negotiator who understands branding, sales and the art of the deal

– 5+ years of experience in lead generation, follow-up, and facilitating deals from start to finish

– Superior communicator and diplomatic ambassador

– Mature leader who has trained others

No Movie Biz experience is necessary… but TV/Radio/Print or Commercial Ad sales experience and leadership is vital!

The SPACE SAMURAI Trilogy PP&I sales executive will receive an IMDbPro “Producer” credit on our movie when they successfully place or integrate product.

Angelic will post an ad soon for the Production Placement & Integration sales executive, but for now I wanted to give an opportunity for those already within the Angelic family to bless someone within their own sphere of influence to have first chance to interview for the position.

Reach out to me or your Production Team contact with your recommendations and any other questions you may have about the SPACE SAMURAI Trilogy. We’ll make ourselves available to you…