SPACE SAMURAI – Marine Major Jackson

Space Samurai: Oasis Update – U.S. Space Force

More good news for SPACE SAMURAI: OASIS…

Talks with U.S. Space Force have progressed up the chain of command!

During the Directorial Unit’s last discussion, our key U.S. Space Force contact had this to say about the principal actors in our Hollywood studio movie:

“They all have the look of someone you can trust to get a job done through confident competence…. influencers who viewers can trust to inspire.”

The Directorial Unit’s official talks about the SPACE SAMURAI trilogy franchise must be doing the same, because Angelic is now being pursued for discussion by higher-ranking military officers. 

Serious phone calls with U.S. Space Force are already on the calendar for this coming week… 

The negotiation torch will soon pass to our own sharpshooter, a former Marine Corps Major and present Angelic Pictures Partner and Executive Producer… Charlie Jackson. Well known in the world of Olympics, World Championships, and Silicon Valley, Charlie has extensive experience and deep expertise in investment, media, and other multi-million-dollar business ventures.

If you want to know a little more about Charlie… and trust me, you do… click the below link:
