Space Samurai — SAG-AFTRA Signatory
SAG-AFTRA had the daunting task of approving just 1,213 qualified, Signatory Productions during the Strike and issued Interim Agreements Approvals, Production Numbers and Business Representatives.
Just today Angelic received notice from SAG-AFTRA: “… the strike is now over, and you are free to cast … accordingly.”
Angelic excitedly announces: SAG-AFTRA issued our Space Samurai: Oasis Movie project a Production Number and a Business Representative…
Music to our ears: “… free to cast … accordingly.”
NOW, we will finalize negotiations with SAG-AFTRA members and list them as cast for our Space Samurai: Oasis project.
As we have narrowed it down to only a few Male Actors for the Lead Male Hero role in our Space Samurai Trilogy — We will announce our Male actor, soon.
Questions about our SPACE SAMURAI Trilogy? We are available.