Space Samurai: Oasis Update – U.S. Space Force
Angelic is proud to announce that the Directorial Unit has begun official conversations with key contacts within U.S. Space Force (USSF) regarding its involvement in our Hollywood studio movie.
We are discussing unique mission sets for Space Lift and Satellite Operations, Cyber Operations, and Intelligence. These mission sets are located in California, Florida, Colorado, Nevada, Texas, and Washington DC. In fact, one member of the Directorial Unit just returned from Texas. We also are considering the use of specific Subject Matter Experts.
USSF key contacts have shown tremendous excitement for SPACE SAMURAI OASIS—and not just for this movie, but for the entire SPACE SAMURAI trilogy franchise.
Since such conversations can be delicate, and we are still in Pre-Production, I ask that you keep our progress under wraps for now.
If you have any questions, please direct them specifically to me by phone or email…